Welcome to
High Truths on Drugs and Addiction

Your host is Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency and addiction doctor who has served as the first Chief Medical Officer of  the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, ONDCP and still practices on the front lines.

On High Truths, you will learn from experts, hear stories from the emergency department, and listen to people who have struggled from addiction.

On each episode, you will hear from experts from around the globe and around all aspects of addiction.

Hear from America’s Drug Czar, Secretary Ben Carson. Dr. Nora Volkow, Congressman Patrick Kennedy.

Celebrate the victory of X-ing the X-waiver. Take Action by Implementing automatic and universal Fentanyl Testing at your hospitals, and protecting the developing brain.

High Truths is more than a podcast. It is a movement to unite medical health, mental health and addiction health. It brings innovations to connect public health, public safety and prevention.  We will have discussions that will inspire people to implement programs that save lives.



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203. Investigative Reporting | Connor Sheets

High Truths

Connor Sheets’ investigative stories have resulted in public health alerts, federal investigations, and international ramifications. His investigations included finding that Mexican pharmacies were selling counterfeit pain pills that contain fentanyl and smoke shops were selling chocolate magic mushrooms that contain THC or bath salts. Connor Sheets is an investigative and enterprise reporter for the Los […]


211. High Truths Season 5 Dr. Lev Monologue

High Truths

Hello and Welcome to Season 5 of  High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. What an honor and joy I have from hosting High Truths.  Each episode I have great discussions with fascinating and knowledge people who get me thinking and teach me something new. It is like the Talmudic saying in Ethics of our Fathers, Who is […]


198. Marijuana legalization in Florida, the devil’s in the details | Dr. Jessica Spencer

High Truths

They devil is in the details, or lack of details when in comes to Amendment 3, Florida’s ballot initiative on legalizing marijuana. When California and other states legalized weed without including regulations and consumer protections, babies were poisoned, people were exposed to pesticides and contaminants, high potency products proliferated, emergency visits for cannabis poisoning skyrocketed, […]


198. Promo. Jessica Spencer | Marijuana Legalization in Florida

High Truths

Next Monday I will be having a weedy conversation with Jessica Spencer, a drug prevention specialist in Florida who share with us why marijuana legalization in Florida a big deal. Find out next week on your favorite podcast or YouTube platform where I bring you High Truths.
