How a 5-year-old ingested fentanyl in her kindergarten classroom

Scripps News ow a 5 year old ingested fentanyl in her kindergarten class By Lori Jane Gliha and Brittany Freeman Roneet Lev is quoted regarding fentanyl testing, a bill she wrote and helped pass in California that is going across the country.
MU hosts lecture on the dangers of cannabis poisoning

KOMU 8 Reporter Aidan O’Conner Dr. Roneet Lev was the inaugural speaker of the 3 Dean Lecture at the University of Missouri in Columbia, She took the audience on a tour of the emergency department to see cases of cannabis poisoning. in a lecture titled “It’s Just Pot, What’s the Problem?”
MU hosts lecture on the dangers of cannabis poisoning

MU hosts lecture on the dangers of cannabis poisoning Aidan O’Connor, KOMU 8 Reporter Mar 13, 2024 Dr. Lev was invited to the University of Missouri as the inaugural 3 Deans Lecture series where she gave 4 different lectures on marijuana. The Front Lines of Marijuana for emergency providers It;s Just Pot – What’s the […]
Dangers of Marijuana: How high-potency weed & oil can damage the teenage brain

ABC 10 Jim Avila, Investigative Reporter, January 24, 202 SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Marijuana is not what it used to be. The legal retailers are making power-packed versions of THC oils, gummies and even sodas that doctors say they are now finding are highly addictive and causing actual brain damage in teenagers and young adults. […]
‘I thought I had lost her’: Doctors warn of marijuana edibles’ danger for kids

ABC 10 Jim Avila, Investigative Reporter, January 15, 2024 Part 1 or 4 in Series on Cannabis – Cannabis Candies SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Californians love their legal marijuana. The highest number of cannabis users in the country live in the Golden State, nearly 7 million people, according to Statista, an internet data company. But […]
San Diego Doctor Returns From Aid Trip to Israel

Dave Summers, NBC Dr. Lev volunteered as emergency physician for Israel after October 7 massacre.
Times of San Diego – A few Grains can Kill

Times of San Diego Chris Jennewein September 5, 2023 Fentanyl Event at Mesa College Kai Atesalp died because of his drug dealer – his cell phone. He paid $8 through an Instagram transaction. He thought he bought a Percocet, but was tricked and killed with fentanyl. Kai was a star wrestler, college bound, not […]
Lev award ACEP Innovation & Excellence in Behavioral Health & Addiction Medicine Award – 2023

August 14, 2023 ACEP Innovation & Excellence in Behavioral Health & Addiction Medicine Award 2023 To paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis, Goodness, Gracious Dr. Roneet Lev is a great ball of fire! No hyperbole here. Dr. Lev, Past President of California ACEP and longtime Councilor, has been an outstanding and tireless advocate for addiction medicine for […]
San Diego Healthcare Workers See Uptick in Violence

Sarah Alegre Channel 5 San Diego Fox News Story on Violence in Healthcare It was terrible to go from doctor in charge of the emergency department to a patient laying on the ground after an assault by a patient.
Why is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

Scripps Educational Video with Susan Taylor on why fentanyl is so dangerous
Fentanyl Town Hall on the Health Channel

Hope & Healing : Exposing the Fentanyl Crisis Town Hall Health Channel – PBS South Florida Tuesday, June 20th at 7 PM on Health Channel Fentanyl, an FDA-approved synthetic opioid, is known officially as Florida’s most lethal drug. It kills thousands of people of all races and demographics. Counterfeit prescriptions of Adderall, Xanax, and other […]
UMD-led System Shows Success in Helping Hospitals Understand Fentanyl Use in their Communities

Dr. Lev is quoted in article on Emergency Department Drug Surveillance, EDDS Drug Surviellance helps clinicians give better patient care by being aware of what drugs are in our community. EDDS showed that 76% of hospital urine drug screens were positive for methamphetamine and over 50% positive for THC
15 Things the Cannabis Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

It’s Just Weed. Or Is It? 15 Things the Cannabis Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know Dr. Lev article on March 26, 2023
NBC News Story on Fentanyl Testing

Fentanyl testing not required in most emergency room drug screening Video NBC New Story on Tyler’s Bill in Califoria and Bill in Maryland
Fentanyl Accounts for a Majority of Fatal Overdoses. But ERs aren’t testing for it.
NBC Written Story open Fentanyl testing By Maura Barrett and Bianca Seward March 17, 2023 Story discusses Tyler’s Bill in California and similar bill in Maryland
Marijuana and Kids Don’t Mix

Josh Bloom American Council on Science and Health Jan 19, 2023 Marijuana and Kids Don’t Mix – An Interview with Dr. Roneet Lev
Effect of Prescriber Notifications of Patient’s Fatal Overdose on Opioid Prescribing at 4 to 12 MonthsA Randomized Clinical Trial

Effect of Prescriber Notifications of Patient’s Fatal Overdose on Opioid Prescribing at 4 to 12 MonthsA Randomized Clinical Trial Doctor et al1 sought to establish whether clinicians notified by their county’s medical examiner of their patient’s overdose from a schedule II to IV drug were more likely than clinicians who were not notified to reduce […]
San Diego – Fentanyl City by Spike Steffenhagen

Spike Steffenhagen published San Diego – Fentanyl city in the San Diego Reader December 14, 2022. “Fuck Fentanyl” are the first words in his piece. Dr. Lev was interviewed by Spike for her article.
Fentanyl Plagues San Diego’s Homeless Population
Voice of San Diego Lisa Halverstadt November 21, 2022 Dr. Lev quoted on the fentanyl crisis
ER Room Fentanyl Tests

NTD New Story on SB 864, Tyler’s Law and Fentanyl Testing October 21, 2022
San Diego ER seeing 37 marijuana cases a day – mostly psychosis

Leighton Woodhouse – October 22, 2022 The New York Post
Dr. Phil – Is America Too High on Marijuana

Dr. Phil Show – October 21, 2022 Against Legalization: Dr. Kevin Sabet, Laura Stack, Heidi Swan, James and Charmaine Hays and others Pro Legalization: Karen O’Keefe, the Director of State Policies at Marijuana Policy Project, retired police officer Major Neil Franklin, and budtenders Are and Char Is American Too High on Marijuana?
Doctors Inform Parents on Marijuana Use Linked to Youth Mental Health
Alani Letang interview on Fox 5 San Diego September 22, 2022 Dr. Lev organized press conference with parents and doctors to inform the public. Marijuana is a risk factor in schizophrenia like tobacco is a risk factor for COPD and Lung cancer.
How Weed Became the New OxyContin

How Weed Became the New OxyContin Leighton Woodhouse, Table Magazine, August 30, 2022
Fatal Overdose Notification Letter and Benzodiazepine Prescriptions
In a randomized clinical trial (NCT02790476), Doctor et al1 studied the effect of notifying physicians of a patient’s fatal drug overdose within 12 months of a scheduled drug prescription for that patient. The physicians received an injunction to prescribe safely from their county’s medical examiner. This intervention was associated with reductions in overall, high-dose, and […]
How California’s legal cannabis dream became a public health Nightmare

Eve Simmons – The Mail + July 3, 2022 Eve visited California from the UK as her country is considering cannabis legalization
Should the UK Legalize Cannabis?

Eve Simmons interviews Dr. Lev during her visit to California from the UK Medical Minefield Podcast – July 1, 2022
Cannabis for Smart Consumers: What the Industry Does Not Want You To Know

Dr. Lev publication in American Council on Science and Health June 9, 2022
Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge

Alysia Finley, WSJ Opinion columnist June 6, 2022 Finley highlights that heavy marijuana use among youth is leading to more addiction and antisocial behavior. Dr. Lev is quoted from her interview with American Council on Science and Health. Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge – WSJ
Is Pot Really Safe? An Interview with Josh Bloom and American Council on Science and Health
Opinion: Like Tobacco, Cannabis should include a warning label – especially for suicide risk

Innovative Approaches for Addressing Opioid Overdose & Opioid Use Disorder in the Hospital ERs

Faces & Voices of Recovery Webinar with ONDCP
Opioid-Prescribing Trends in San Diego County, 2008-2019 – J Public Health

Hospitals don’t routinely test for fentanyl – It’s time to add to the Federal Five

The Hill – Opinion
Tips to Help Doctors with Safe Prescribing

The Doctor Weighs In
The Addiction Podcast – First Chief Medical Officer White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return
Commentary: Good public health policies comes at the cost of an individual’s convenience. I see it in the ER.

San Diego Union Tribune Commentary
ACEP Member in the White House: Interview with Roneet Lev, MD FACEP

ACEP Frontline
Congress: Pass the MAT Act to save lives – The Hill. Opinion

The Last Line of Defense – about pharmacist co responsibilities

This is a CME program for pharmacists The Last Line of Defense A CME Program for pharmacist by Quality Healthcare Concepts Dr Lev was part of the development of this course.
Rise in Drug Overdoses could be linked to COVID-19 unemployment

CBS 8 New: COVID 19 and Overdoses. Dr. Lev quotes.
COVID-19. TopMedTalk Podcast

COVID-19. TopMedTalk Podcast Dr. Lev talks about the very beginning of the pandemic.
Coroner sent letter to doctors whos patients died of opiod overdoses. Doctor’s habit quickly changed.

Death Diary Data – Take 2, now in a controlled study.
Telling doctors their patient died from overdose could prevent some opiod abuse

Death Diary Data – take 2.
Doctors Reduced Opioid Prescriptions after learning a patient overdosed

Publication: Washington Post Title: Doctors Reduced Opioid Prescriptions after learning a patient overdosed
Sending Letters About Their Patients’ Overdoses Changes Doctor’s Prescribing Habits

Death Diary Take 2. Sending Letters to Doctors.
Group pushes to stop marijuana-impaired driving

Opioid prescribing decreases after learning after learning of a patient’s fatal overdose

Published in Science. Prestigious medical journal. Research from Death Diaries
Doctors Prescribe Fewer Opioids After Learning of Patient Deaths

Scientific American, August 2018 Article highlight Dr. Lev’s study of informing physicians after their patient died of a medication overdose
Doctors Prescriber Fewer Opiods After Learning of Patient Overdoses

Pharmacy Times, August 10, 2018 Ryan Marotta Publication on Dr. Lev’s study on informing physicians that their patients died of a medication overdose
How to curb the opioid epidemic? Tell doctors which of their patients died.

Big Think, August 10,, 2018 Stephen Johnson The article highlights Dr. Lev’s project on informing doctors that their patients died of a medication overdose
Doctors write fewer opioid prescriptions after learning of overdose deaths

UPI, August 10, 2018 HealthyDay News Features Dr. Lev’s study on informing physicians after their patient died of a medication overdose
The Drug Crisis – Faces Behind the Struggle

Jeff Leach Podcast, April 30 2018 Audio Interview with Dr. Lev
Special Report: study highlights role of doctors in prescription drug deaths

KUSI Feb 7, 2018 Radio interview with Dr. Lev and Dr. Doctor on research informing doctors that their patient died of a medication overdose
Special Report: study highlights role of doctors in prescription drug deaths

KUSI Discussion on Death Diary Research
The Pulse: Talking about opioid deaths in San Diego

Talking about Opioid Deaths with The Pulse and Alison Baver
The DRs – Television Show – Opioid Deaths Tracked in ‘Death Diaries’

The Doctors TV Show, February 15, 2018
Death Diaries reveal lessons about prescription drug epidemic

San Diego Union Tribune January 6, 2018 Video of Featured Article of Dr. Lev’s Death Diary Research
Treat, Educate And Revive: The Valley’s Three-Pronged Approach To Opioid Overdose Prevention
Publication: Valley Public Radio, NPR for Central California Title: Treat, Educate And Revive: The Valley’s Three-Pronged Approach To Opioid Overdose Prevention
How Patient Satisfactions Scores Fuel the Opioid Epidemic

What I learned about prescription drug abuse from San Diego

KevinMD Dr. Lev discusses death diary lessons
Clues to Better Health Care From Old Malpractice Lawsuits

Wall Street Journal Clues to Better Health Care From Old Malpractice Lawsuits Dr. Lev is quoted
In Opposition to Prop 64

Video on Press Conference on No on Prop 64
Tips to avoid medical errors in the emergency department

Tip by Dr. Lev on avoiding emergency department errors
Efforts aimed at reducing Rx drug deaths

Death Diary lessons and action
Deaths from prescription drugs skyrocket

Death Diary Article in San Diego Union Tribune
San Diego Death Diaries – TDC

The Doctor’s Advocate. The doctor’s company medical malpractice insurance. First Quarter 2017.
A description of Medical Examiner prescription-related deaths and prescription drug monitoring program data.

Death Diary Publication Am J Emerg Med. 2016.
Who is prescribing controlled medications to patients who due of prescription drug abuse?

Death Diary Research Am J Emerge Med. 2016.
Methadone related deaths compared to all prescription related deaths.

Death Diary Publication Forensic Sci Int. 2015
Weird Sauce – Addiction as an Epidemic: Don’t Look Away

Dr. Lev is interviewed in Singapore podcast.
Pain and Pot: The fact about Opioids and Marijuana

Webinar for PTTC by Dr. Lev March 20, 20221
On The Edge with April Mahoney: High Truths on COVID, Fentanyl, Marijuana – Listen on Apple podcast, YouTube

Dr. Lev is a guest with April Mahoney on The Edge December 29, 2020
Prevention in Health and Justice – bridging the silos

December 8,9, 2020 Public Health Institute Lecture
Cases from the Front Line: Methamphetamine in the Emergency Department and the Medical Examiner’s Office

Cocaine, Meth, Stimulant Summit Lecture November 2022
Opinion: Cannabis Induced ‘Scromiting’ Syndrome Shouldn’t be a Mystery

Dr. Lev’s Opinion Piece in Times of San Diego September 15, 2020
Case Studies in Marijuana: From Pharmacology to the Emergency Department *View presentation

PTTC Lecture Sept 9, 2020
The Growing Brain – PTTC

Webinar by Dr. Lev for PTTC August 5, 2020
Dr. Lev Addresses Barriers to Opioid Prevention in Healthcare

Dr. Lev is interviewed by the National Opioid Overdose Network on coalition building. A video is available from as Chief Medical Officer of ONDCP.
Building the Addiction Medicine Physician Workforce: All Hands on Deck

American Society of Addiction Medicine Virtual April 2020
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery ERAS: Medical education engagement to support safe prescribng for surgical patients

ERAS USA Webinar with ONDCP April 1, 2020
National Opioid Prevention Network – Keynote 2020

NOPN Launch Event February 2020
Launch Event for the National Opioid Prevention Network

Public Health Institute – National Opioid Prevention Network Launch
Health Care Professions’ Engagement to Support Safer Prescribing and Better Care: An Interprofessional Update on Current Approaches and Future Needs

National Academy of Medicine Webinar with ONDCP Dr. Lev organized this webinar with ONDCP and NAM January 29, 2020
The Problem with Medical Cannabis- Opinion by James Felsen

Dr. Lev is quoted in article published by Charleston Gazette-Mail
Racing to replace opioids, biopharma is betting on pain drugs with a checkered past

STAT, January 31, 2018 Damian Garde
Doctor Sees Increase in Marijuana Poisoning

NBC 7, January 5, 2018 Wendy Fry interviews Dr. Lev
Vomiting Syndrome Discovered in Some Long Term Marijuana Users:Researchers

7 NBC, San Diego – November 30, 2017 Wendy Fry news story publishes “scromiting” which went viral. Scromiting is the hallmark of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome – screaming and vomiting.
Opinion: Independent Emergency Group Practice Model Boosts Physicians Satisfaction

ACEP Now September 18, 2017 Dr. Lev authored this opinion piece on independent emergency group practice.
Do you want to be an owner or a renter? The benefits of physician independence

Becker’s ASC Review June 28, 2017 Mary Rechtoris Dr. Lev is interviewed on the benefits of independent physician practice over being a large corporate employee
5 Myths about emergency physician groups

Kevin MD June 6, 2017 Dr. Lev writes about the advantage of independent physician owned emergency groups
Growing Problem: Teens turn to flower seeds to score dangerous high

CBS8. May 24, 2017 Richard Allyn interviews Dr. Lev on flower seeds as a party drug
Growing Problem: Teens turn to flower seeds to score dangerous high

CBS 8 May 24, 2017 Richard Allyn interviews Dr. Lev on the dangers of using flower seeds to get high.
Tips to Help Doctors Deal with Opioid Request and Avoid Malpractice Suits

The Doctor Weighs In 5.1.2017 Dr. Lev writes about how to deal with patient requests for opioids and avoiding malpractice
Opioid Use Soars Among Middle Agged and Elderly
WSJ Laura Landro. April 23, 2017 Dr. Lev is quoted in WSJ on Death Diary research
Prescribing opioids safely: How to have difficult patient conversations

KevinMD April 13, 2017 Dr. Lev writes about prescribing tips to medical providers
Marijuana ordinance: Health, safety of county residents should come first

San Diego Union Tribune. March 8, 2017 Dr. Lev and Dana Stevens author and opinion on marijuana ordiances
Timeline: How prescription drugs became a national crisis

Fox 5 San Diego February 16, 2017 Jenn Karlman Dr. Lev is interviewed for Fox News.
Treat, Educate And Revive: The Valley’s Three-Pronged Approach To Opioid Overdose Prevention

KVPR, NPR for Central California Kerry Klein February 7, 2017 Dr. Lev assisted Fresno opioid coalition
The story behind removing the satisfaction score barrier from safe prescribing

KevinMD. July 27, 2016 Roneet Lev Editorial Dr. Lev was excited about removing patient satisfaction scores that were fueling opioid overprescribing. Since this publication, these scores remain with a strong financial incentive in keeping the scores. Physician satisfaction scores may be more important for burnout and downstream patient satisfaction.