Alcohol prohibition. Taxes. Quality standards. Potency regulation. What can healthcare policy learn from alcohol and tobacco and apply to today’s cannabis market?

David Jernigan, PhD, is a Professor of Health Law, Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health, and senior policy advisor for CityHealth, a project of the de Beaumont Foundation that provides leaders with a package of evidence-based policy solutions that will help millions of people live longer, better lives in vibrant, prosperous communities.
Dr. Jernigan is best known for his action-research approach to the issue of alcohol advertising, marketing, and promotion and its influence on young people. His work has led to better advertising regulations and a clearer understanding of the evolving structure of the alcohol industry. His work is policy relevant and scientifically rigorous. Dr. Jernigan has been very active in translating research findings into policy and practice. He testifies regularly at city, state, and national levels around alcohol advertising and youth, alcohol availability, and taxation. He also trains advocates around the world using the best evidence.