Episode #1 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Introduction with Dr. Lev.

For more information visit: HighTruths.Com Welcome to High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. In this introductory episode Dr. Lev gives an overview of High Truths, a new – fact filled – informative – podcast. I am your host, Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency and addiction doctor who has served at the White House and still practices […]
Episode #3 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Ken Finn, Editor of first medical textbook on cannabis. Is there enough marijuana research?

For more information visit: HighTruths.com Ken P. Finn, M.D. Dr. Finn graduated Medical School from the University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston (’90). He completed residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from the University of Utah (’94), and is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (’95) as well as Pain Medicine (’98), and Pain Management […]
Episode #4 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Secretary Dr. Ben Carson. The Trifecta of Addiction, Mental Health, and Homelessness.

Secretary Dr. Ben Carson joins High Truths and Dr. Roneet Lev to discuss the trifecta for addiction, mental illness, and homelessness. He answers questions from emergency physicians and psychologist.
Episode #5 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Joe Eberstein gives advice on how to talk to kids about drugs.

Should you tell your children that you use to use drugs? What is the best prevention method is talking to youth about drugs. Learn on High Truths
Episode #6 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Why do people develop addiction? Robert’s journey.

Why do people use drugs? Robert shares his journey from using deadly heroin and being homeless to being an honor student in computer science.
Episode #7 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Dr. Lev visits a marijuana shop. Part 1 – In the shop.

March and Ash is a legal recreational marijuana dispensary in San Diego. Dr. Lev takes a field trip with eye opening conversations. Is this the apple store or a pot shop? The difference is the heavy security, two ATM machines and shoppers leave with little bags instead of big boxes. Is the store manager practicing […]
Episode #8 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction: Dr. Lev visits a marijuana shop, Part 2 – with the owner.

Dr. Lev continued her visit at March and Ash marijuana store. After meeting Terry the store manager in Part 1, she meets sits with the store owner in Part 2. Brett, the owner tells stories of people who died after using marijuana, kids who need marijuana for pain, and teens who develop terrible addiction. Learn […]
Episode #9 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction: Medical Examiner, Dr. Steven Campman, MD Highlights Deaths from Overdoses

Dr. Steven C. Campman is San Diego County’s Chief Deputy Medical Examiner. He earned his B.S. in Biology from Loyola Marymount University in 1987; graduated from Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, in 1992, and then completed residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology at the University of California, Davis Medical Center, in 1997. Following fellowship training […]
Episode #10 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Edward Wood, Founder and President of DUID Victim Voices. Marijuana drugged driving.

A Kaiser doctor gives a marijuana “medical prescription” to a young man with history of depression and PTSD. As a drugged driver he kills 1 person and injures 5 others. Is the doctor liable? The courts dismissed the case and the poor young man ended his life in suicide. Edward Wood Ed Wood founded DUID […]
Episode #15 – Dr. Joy Sweeney, CADCA Series, The 3 Rules of Addiction: Prevention, Prevention, Prevention

CADCA – Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America is a leader in training for safe, healthy, drug-free communities globally. This is part 1 of 4 in High Truths series with CADCA. The 3 Rules of Addiction: Prevention, Prevention, Prevention.
Episode #17 – High Truths on CADCA’s Community Coalitions and Local Alcohol Policy Issues in Latin American with Eric Siervo

Alcohol is part of the culture in Latin America, but the countries suffer harm due to alcohol. CADCA works with Peru, Brazil, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic to prevent alcohol addiction and subsequent health effects. The pandemic has increased alcohol access and use in Latin Youth. Learn about CADCA’s effort with expert Eric Siervo. ERIC […]
Episode #22 High Truths with Chip Fisher on the Brain Stimulator

This is most stimulating episode of High Truths. Seriously! We will be talking about a brain stimulator. While it is not approved for use in addiction, is can help insomnia and depression. Not every problem needs a drug as a solution. It is refreshing to learn about alternatives. Charles “Chip” Fisher Founder Fisher Wallace Laboratories […]
Episode #23 High Truths with Dr. Kevin Sabet on Smart Approaches to Marijuana

This episode starts with a game – Fact or Fiction on Medical Marijuana. Test your knowledge and then listen further to learn from Dr. Kevin Sabet whether the “war” or “battle” on marijuana legalization is lost, and what that means. KEVIN A. SABET, PHD Dr. Kevin Sabet is an affiliate of the Institution for Social […]
Episode #28 High Truth with HIDTA Director David King

What does law enforcement do beside arrest people for drugs? You will be surprised about the collaboration of law enforcement with the medical community, drug treatment, and drug prevention. Listen to Dr. Lev talk with High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Director David King. DAVID L. KING Director of San Diego – Imperial Valley HIDTA […]
Episode #34 – High Truths with Glenn Ignazio and Failing Forward

Glenn Ignazio lived his dream of being a decorated air force pilot and it all came crashing down after a terrible accident. He became addicted to opioids, lost his beloved career, faced divorce, and dealt with the pain of friends dying from suicide. He seemingly lost everything as he was learning to walk again. What is […]
Episode # 37 High Truths with Dr. Robert Hendrickson on Oregon Drug Laws

What is going on with Oregon Drug Laws? The state of Oregon made history, the first state in the United States to decriminalize the possession of all hard drugs on November 2020. Marijuana was legalized in Oregon since 2014. Is this a good idea, a bad idea, or a yet to be determined social […]
Episode #43 High Truths with Patrick Foley Addiction Counselor

Patrick Foley Patrick Foley has over 20 years of experience in the addiction treatment field. Patrick currently works for McAllister Institute, serving people with various dependency issues. Mr. Foley is a coaching consultant and a frequent speaker and subject matter expert regarding adolescent dependence promoting solution-based goals that navigate clients through the recovery process. Patrick […]
Episode #49 High Truths with Dr. Anthony Albanese and Addiction Medicine

Addiction Medicine intersects with all aspects of medicine from primary care, pediatrics, OBGYN, surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology, and of course, emergency medicine. Building up the addiction medicine workforce and integrating key aspects of addiction medicine into medical education is important. Anthony P. Albanese, MD Dr. Albanese is a gastroenterologist, hepatologist and addiction medicine specialist who has […]
Episode #55 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow

Listen to Dr. Nora Volkow’s discussion with Dr. Roneet Lev on the gold standard for addiction, substance use disorder treatment, innovations in drug treatment, naloxone, emergency treatment, stigma, decriminalization, marijuana, and more. This podcast includes Dr. Nora Volkow keynote presentation at the Western Regional Opioid & Stimulant Summit of November 2021. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., […]
Episode #56 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with ADM Rachel Levine on HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy

Rachel L. Levine, M.D. Admiral, U.S. Public Health Service Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Admiral Rachel L. Levine serves as the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. She fights […]
Episode #57 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Sir Robin Murray and Cannabis Induced Schizophrenia

What is the relationship of cannabis/ marijuana with psychosis and schizophrenia? Learn from the father of schizophrenia research, Professor Sir Robin Murray. Sir Robin Murray, FMedSci FRS Professor Sir Robin Murray is a Professor of Psychiatric Research at the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), King’s College London and a Fellow of the Royal Society. He is […]
Episode # 58 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Libby Study and High Potency THC

High potency THC is associated with psychosis and schizophrenia. Why are we not following the science? Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Stuyt, MD Dr. Stuyt is a board-certified Addiction Psychiatrist and has worked in the addiction/behavioral health field since 1990. She was the Medical Director for the Circle Program, a 90-day inpatient treatment program, funded by the state […]
Episode #59 High Truth in Drugs and Addiction with Jennifer Cifaldi and Drugged Driving

Take off the “Beer Goggles” when thinking about Drugged Driving. Driving while impaired is illegal whether it is from alcohol or any other drugs. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration drug use among fatally injured drivers who were tested fro drugs rose fro 25% in 2007 to 42% in 2016, and marijuana presence […]
Episode #60 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Heidi Swan and A Night In Jail, Homeless-Psychosis-and Schizophrenia

Psychosis. A Night In Jail is inspired by Heidi’s brother’s true life story of homelessness, drug addiction, and schizophrenia. He went to jail 18 times. Heidi talks with Dr. Lev about psychosis. Heidi Anderson-Swan is the co-author of A Night In Jail. Adapted as a novella, film and play, this gritty Young Adult fictional story […]
Episode #61 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Uttam Dhillon, former DEA Director

Do we still have a war on drugs? Listen to a conversation with Former DEA director, Uttam Dhillon. Uttam Dhillon is a principal of Michael Best Consulting LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in drug-related and law enforcement issues. He is also a member of the board of directors of Opioid Clinical Management, Inc. and a […]
Episode # 64 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Kevin Lee on Recovery

What is the difference between recovery and sobriety? Have many chances should people get for recovery – 2? 3? 27? Listen to Dr. Lev and Kevin Lee discuss recovery. Kevin D. Lee Most of Kevin Lee’s working life has been focused on behavioral health start-ups and those companies have been driven to achieve better outcomes […]
Episode #65 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Jean Hausheer on Cannabis and Glaucoma

Is you had Glaucoma, a disease that can make you blind, would you trust eye drops from a pharmacy or marijuana? Would you want to get medical advise from Dr. Google, Dr. Legislator or Dr. Jean Hausheer, a board certified ophthalmologist? Jean R. Hausheer, MD, FACS Dr. Hausheer practices comprehensive cataract and refractive eye […]
Episode #66 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Chauncey Parker and CDC Overdose Response Strategy

Can Public Health and Public Safety overcome suspicion of each other and create a partnership to prevent overdoses? Follow the North Star is the key such partnerships according to Chauncey Parker. Learn about the ONDCP – CDC Overdose Response Strategy. Chauncey Parker Chauncey Parker is the Director of the New York/New Jersey HIDTA, a federally-funded […]
Episode #67 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. La Tisha Bader on Women and Weed

The cannabis industry is marketing to women with creams, lotions, shampoos, makeup and hair products. How do you know what is safe and what isn’t? What are the consumer protections? What about athletes? Does THC enhance or deter from athletic performance? Is it ergogenic or ergolytic? Listen to Dr. Lev’s conversation with Dr. Bader. Dr. […]
Episode #70 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Stuart Reese on Genotoxicity of Cannabis Products

Cannabis can Weed-Whack your DNA. Genotoxicity describes the property of chemical agents that damages genetic information or causes mutations. These mutations can lead to cancer. Listen to Dr. Reece talk about his genetic research. Thank you High Truth Listeners for making us #11 in 60 Best Addiction Podcast to Follow in 2022 Stuart Reece, MD […]
Episode #71 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Marc Azoulay on Addiction Treatment without Medications

Thank you High Truth Listeners for making High Truths on Drugs and Addiction #11 in the Top 60 Addiction Podcasts in 2022 according to FeedSpot. What are ways of treating addiction without medications? Is addiction treatment different for men vs women? What is toxic masculinity? Marc Azoulay Marc is a psychotherapist in private practice in […]
Episode #72 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Drs. Reb Close and Casey Grover on Emergency Department and Community Addiction Collaboration

Collaboration yields better results. Breaking silos between public heath and public safety while integrating prevention is key in decrease addiction and the harms from drugs. San Diego CReDO Task Force, Community Response to Drug Overdose is an example of such collaboration Drs. Close and Grover have similar solutions in Monetary, California. Reb Close, MD Dr. Close […]
Episode #73 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dominique McDowell and Peer Support

Peer support is a blessing for many individuals with substance use disorder. Listen to Dominique’s inspiring journey and how he gives back to the community in San Francisco. Dominique McDowell Mr. McDowell joined the leadership team to create an innovative Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program to serve those struggling with opioid or alcohol addictions and also […]
Episode # 74 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sharon Levy on Cannabis and Youth

Cannabis use is associated with alarming increase in mental health crisis, especially in youth. High potency THC products are the driving this problem. Dr. Levy sees this in her clinic treating kids with cannabis use disorder. Sharon Levy, MD, MPH Sharon Levy, MD, MPH is a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician, Addiction Medicine specialist, Director of the Adolescent […]
Episode #75 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Laura Stack and protecting youth from marijuana

Preventing youth from using marijuana is key in preventing drug addiction and psychosis. Laura Stack has practical and life saving advice for parents and those interested in drug prevention. Do you have a code word with your kids? The code means come get me wherever I am, no questions asked. Laura Stack is Johnny Stack’s […]
Episode #76 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Congressman Patrick Kennedy on Mental Health and Marijuana

What’s the overlap in mental health and marijuana? Congressman Patrick Kennedy notes that Addiction for Profit Industry in Preying on Vulnerable populations including children. Former U.S. Representative Patrick J. Kennedy During his time in Congress, Patrick J. Kennedy was the lead author of the landmark Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (Federal Parity Law), […]
Episode #81 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Louis Profeta on Drugs and College

What does Dr. Profeta tell college kids about drugs? He shows them what it’s like for him, as an emergency physician, to tell their parents they died of an overdose. That’s the worse horror for a doctor. Dr. Louis M. Profeta is a nationally recognized, award-winning writer and Emergency Physician at St. Vincent Hospital of […]
Episode #82 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Josh Bloom and Junk Science

Dr. Josh Bloom is an organic chemist who debunks Junk Science in his work with the American Council on Science. Hear what he has to say about opioids and pain, fentanyl, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, and cannabis. Do Dr. Lev and Dr. Bloom agree or disagree on issues of addiction? You judge. Dr. Josh Bloom, ACSH’s Director […]
Episode # 83 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with California Cannabis Victims

This is a special episode of High Truths featuring the voices of California Cannabis Victims. These are parents who’s children died because of cannabis addiction. They brave the cruelty of people who bully them, judge them, and hit them when they are down. They risk attacks in order to spare other parents from similar tragedy. […]
Episode #84 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Scott Becker and Hospital Reviews

What are the leading issues for Hospitals and Heathcare? Is it COVID, medial education, universal healthcare? And what about the over 100,000 people a year who die from drugs? Scott Becker shares his perspective as a national expert in hospital and healthcare affairs. Scott Becker is a partner in the healthcare department at McGuireWoods. He […]
Episode #86 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Candace Lightner, the mother and founder of MADD

Candy (Candace) Lightner, founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and We Save Lives is recognized nationally and internationally as the moving force behind reshaping the nation’s attitude toward drunk driving (as well as drugged and distracted driving). Recognizing her years of dynamic leadership, the media voted Ms. Lightner as “one of the most influential American citizens […]
Episode # 88 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Danny Darko Marciano recovered heroin addict and ex-convict to children entertainer

How many second chances should people get on drug addiction and treatment? Listen to Danny Darko Marciano as he drives to the Grammy’s in Las Vegas and judge for yourself and Danny shares his dramatic life journey. Danny Darko Marciano is a recovered heroin addict and ex-convict turned Children’s book author and entertainer. He has been […]
Episode #89 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with National Clinician Consultation Center

Where do doctors go for advice if they need help treating patients with addiction? NCCC is like the National Poison Center but with a focus on drug addiction. NCCC provides free advice from national experts to doctors and clinicians treating patients with addiction. On this podcast hear from the NCCC experts on how doctors give […]
Episode # 90 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Shannon Murphy on Talking to Kids on Marijuana

How do you talk to your children about drugs? There is increase normalization and commercialization of drugs, especially marijuana, preying on kids. If parents don’t talk to kids about drugs, they will learn about it from Snap Chat or Drug Dealers. Addiction is a disease on the young brain with serious health harms. Dr. Shannon […]
Episode #91 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Clear Scientific on Methamphetamine Drug Solution

Rarely is there a new medication that is really new and innovative. Imagine a drug that deactivate methamphetamine within 2 minutes and excretes it from the body within 2 hours. CS1103 is that drug. Listen to this episode from the drug developers at Clear Scientific and learn about this magically innovation. Clear Scientific Clear Scientific […]
Episode #92 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Martha Waller and Tara Tucker on Paramedic us of Suboxone

Paramedics are doing more than naloxone for drugs overdoses. They are starting addiction treatment and Suboxone right on the streets. Listen to Martha Waller and Tara Tucker talk about their prehospital Suboxone project. This is a pilot project and there are still kinks to work out before this can be implemented on a wide scale. […]
Episode #101 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Jaime Puerta and V.O.I.D.

Daniel Puerta is one of the way too many daily victims of illicit drugs, V.O.I.D. Did Daniel overdose, poisoned, or murdered? Listen to his father Jaime, president of V.O.I.D. who is turning Daniel’s memory into action in saving other children. Jaime Puerta is a United States Marine Corps Veteran, and the Founder and Chief Executive […]
Episode #103 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Eva Lee and CReDO

CReDO, Community Response to Drug Overdose, brings together public health, public safety and prevention in order to prevent overdoses. Eva Lee, PhD is Professor and Director of the Center for Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare at Georgia Institute of Technology, a center established through funds from the National Science Foundation and the Whitaker Foundation. […]
Episode # 104 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Scott Sigman and Opioid Sparing Surgery

Can you use less opioids and still have less pain? Orthopedic surgeons use to be #1 in total number of opioid pills prescribed, now there are innovative solutions in decreasing surgical pain. Dr. Scott Sigman is a national and internationally recognized leader in Opioid Sparing Surgery. He is an Orthopedic Surgeon that specializes in the […]
Episode #106 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Roneet Lev 2023 Monologue

This High Truths podcast is a 2023 monologue as I review accomplishments of 2022 and present hopes for 2023. I welcome in the New Year with blessing of health, happiness and meaning to all. After two full seasons with over 100 guests there is still so much to discuss about drugs and addiction. We have […]
Episode #107 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow on NIDA

Will NIDA get rid of the word “Abuse” and go from National Institute on Drug Abuse to National Institute on Drugs and Addiction? Should people get a prescription to buy a vape pen? What is the science on label for marijuana products? Dr. Nora Volkow, director of NIDA shares her hopes for 2023 and discusses […]
Episode #111 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sid Puri and Preventing Youth from Substance Use Disorder

What is the best approach for preventing youth with substance use disorder? Learn from Dr. Sid Puri who reaches kids with SUD in LA County. “Prevention begins at birth or before.” “It’s the end of casual drug use” – because of fentanyl Dr. Siddarth Puri Dr. Puri is the Associate Medical Director of Prevention at […]
Episode #113 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Thomas McLellan on Pre-Addiction

Is it time to talk about Pre-Addiction? We have pre-diabetes and pre-glaucoma, diagnosis intended to prompt early treatment in order to prevent worse disease. Should we be diagnosing and treating Pre-Addiction? Thomas McLellan, Ph.D. has been a career researcher in addiction treatment and policy for 40 years, working primarily at the University of Pennsylvania and […]
Episode #115 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Patty McCarthy on Faces and Voices of Recovery

Patty McCarthy, M.S., is the Chief Executive Officer of Faces & Voices of Recovery, a national recovery advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining Faces & Voices, she was a senior associate with the Center forSocial Innovation (C4), where she served as a deputy director of SAMHSA’s BRSS TACS initiative. Ms. McCarthy served […]
Episode #117 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Pamela Buckley and Blueprints for Healthy Youth

Blueprints for healthy youth contain over 100 randomized control evidence based program that at proven to prevent either youth drug use, violence, bullying, or other adverse behaviors. Not only that, primary prevention in youth saves money. Just before the DARE program did not end up being evidence based, does not mean there are not other […]
Episode #118 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. James Mahoney and Brain Surgery for Addiction

Brain Surgery for Addiction? Listen to Dr. James Mahoney discuss his research on using deep brain stimulation with implanted electrodes that target the pleasure center of the brain to treat addiction. James J. Mahoney, III, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and Clinical Neuropsychologist in the Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and the Department of […]
Episode #119 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Karl Hill on Prevention Science

Dr. Karl Hill directs the Prevention Science Program and is a professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder, and is co-director of the prevention registry, Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development. Over the last thirty years he has focused on two key questions: What are optimal family, peer, school and community environments […]
Episode #122 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dominic Tierno and Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival is a heart wrenching documentary that is raw and real. Listen to Dominic Tierno the producer of the movie on why he made the movie and how it impacted him. Dominic Tierno has told stories through video since he was a child. As he grew into his teenage years, with the rise […]
Episode #123 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Wes Perkins and Social Norms

Do all kids try Alcohol? Marijuana? Drugs? What are the social norms? Listen to the developer of the Social Norms Theory, Dr. Wes Perkins, to learn how to use social norms to change risky behavior. Wesley Perkins WESLEY PERKINS received the B.A. in Sociology from Purdue University, an M.Div. degree from Yale University Divinity School, […]
Episode #125 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg on the Bible’s views of Drugs and Alcohol

What does the Bible say about Drug, Alcohol, and Addiction? Are there words of ancient wisdom that apply to our modern times? I asked Rabbi Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS), a rapidly growing congregation of over 1,000 families in Boca Raton, Florida. BRS is the largest Orthodox […]
Episode #126 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction on Xing the X Waiver

The National Overdose Prevention Network, NOPN, held a Webinar titled “End of the X Waiver: A New Frontier in Addiction Treatment.” Mary Maddux-Gonzalez interviewed Dr. Roneet Lev on the subject. This podcast is a recording of that Webinar with permission by NOPN. Dr. Lev presents the history behind the X-Waiver, the ripple effects predicted from […]
Episode #127 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Brooks Gentry and Monoclonal Antibody Treatment For Methamphetamine Use Disorder

What are some upcoming innovations for methamphetamine use disorder? Learn from Dr. Brooks Gentry how monoclonal antibodies can be the new MAT for meth. Intervexion Therapeutics Outlast Study W. Brooks Gentry, MD Dr. Brooks Gentry is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), where he has […]
Episode #128 High Truth on Drugs on Addiction with Frank Saragosa and his Voice of Hope on Methamphtamine Addiction

Is there hope for severe addiction or substance use disorder? Absolutely, listen to Frank’s inspiring story. Frank was a college professor in American Literature when he hit rock Botton due to addiction. He lives through skid row, homelessness, and convicted felon sitting in prison. While incarcerated he won a first place writing competition against 800 […]
Episode #133 High Truth on Drugs and Addiction with Arianna Campbell on California Bridge MAT program

MAT Medication Assisted Treatment is key for treating opioid addiction. No one should suffer from opioid withdrawal and everyone with an opioid use disorder should receive treatment with compassion and hope. California Bridge assists in providing MAT 24/7 through the emergency departments. Arianna Campbell is an Emergency Department PA with more than 20 years of […]
Episode #134 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon on SAMHSA

SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is charged with public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of our nation. This includes drug prevention and treatment programs. Mental health and Addiction health very much overlap. Of the 20 million people who have a SUD about 50% also have mental illness. Of the […]
Episode #135 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction and Quit the Hit Vaping Cessation

Quit the Hit – Vaping Cessation Hundreds of thousands of teens are not only addicted to nicotine, but they’re using it as a coping mechanism for dealing with mental health challenges and the overwhelming stresses of post-pandemic life. Without support and guidance, quitting vaping is an incredibly difficult journey, and we often hear in our […]
Episode #138 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Bob DuPont and Dr. Caroline DuPont on Once Choice

Kids and Young Adults can make One Choice to protect their growing brain and prevent addiction. More young people are doing just that – making the one choice not to use alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or any drugs until after age 25. Learn more from One Choice PreventionRobert L. DuPont, MD Robert L. DuPont, MD For […]
Episode #140 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sandy Schneider and American College of Emergency Physicians

Sandy Schneider, MD, FACEP, is associate executive director and past president of the American College of Emergency Physicians, ACEP. Dr Schneider is also the adjunct professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. She remains clinically active as a part-time attending with integrative emergency services at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. […]
Episode #141 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly and growing marijuana for research

What is the difference between marijuana sold at a dispensary and marijuana used for research? There is a big difference? Listen to the world’s leader in marijuana growth for research, Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly. Dr. ElSohly received a B.S. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and a M.S. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from Cairo University, Cairo, […]
Episode #144 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Ali Burrell and ODMAP for overdoses

When we want to solve a problem we need to understand it, to map it. We do mapping for COVID, for gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis. We need to use the same infectious disease strategies to map, trace, treat and prevent overdoses. Ali Burrell, MPH, is the ODMAP Program Manager at the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking […]
Episode #145 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr Gene Hern on Prehospital Medicine

What role does Prehospital Medicine or First Responders have in treating addiction? Is it just naloxone, or is there more? Dr. Gene Hern received his MS in Medical Ethics from UC Berkeley in 1994 and his MD from UCSF in 1996. He did his residency in Emergency Medicine at Highland Hospital in Oakland in 1996 […]
Episode #146 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr Laura Petracek and DBT therapy

What is DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? Dialectical, sounds like diabolical – but it is not. Dialectical means opposite. It is a type of behavioral therapy that aims at changing negative thinking and destructive behaviors into positive outcomes. DBT works for substance use disorder and is a great tool to learn at an early age for […]
Episode # 147 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Eric Gremminger on mental health and SUD

There is much overlap between mental health and SUD, substance use disorder. 44%, almost half of everyone with a SUD has some form of mental illness. Eric Gremminger trains behavioral health professionals on using patient reported outcome measures for personalized clinical pathways. Eric Gremminger, ICADC Eric is CEO and Co-Founder of ERPHealth and a nationally […]
Episode #148 High Truth on Drugs and Addiction with Dale Quigley and Ed Shemelya on the National Marijuana Initiative

The National Marijuana Initiative strives to dispel misconceptions about marijuana and raise awareness of issues surrounding the drug; so that citizens and policymakers can make well-informed choices regarding marijuana use and regulations. Some of the services offered include: Educational presentations on marijuana and the effects of its legalization for law enforcement groups, public forums, community coalitions, and legislators […]
Episode #149 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr Jennifer Triemstra and FDA approved cannabinoid research

Cannabis has many different chemicals, namely cannabinoids that have pharmaceutical benefits. Learn about FDA approved cannabinoid research. There is a big difference between medications that are FDA approved and smoking weed. Jennifer Triemstra, MS PhD Jennifer L Triemstra, MS, PhD – Associate Medical Director – Cannabinoid Education, US Medical Affairs, Jazz Pharmaceuticals Jennifer, also known […]
Episode #151 High Truths with Dr. David Deyhimy and MAT

MAT is Medication Assisted Treatment. Dr David Deyhimy talk about the FDA approved medications to treat opioid use disorder. David I. Deyhimy, MD, FASAM, is an addiction medicine specialist and anesthesiologist dedicated to helping those suffering from substance use disorder and preventing overdose deaths from opioids. He is the founder and medical director of MYMATCLINIC, […]
Episode #152 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Jacquelyn Bainbridge on Cannabis Medication Research

Cannabis includes hundreds of different chemical, some of which have promising medicinal value. What does it take to get more cannabis based medications that are FDA approved? Jacquelyn L. Bainbridge, BSPharm , PharmD, , FCCP, MSCS, FAES Jacquelyn L. Bainbridge, BSPharm, PharmD, FCCP, MSCS, FAES, is a Professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz […]
Episode #153 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Shounak Dharap and Kratom

Kratom, also known as mytragynine is a plant with opioid and stimulant effects. It can be addictive just like opioids are addictive. And yet, the drug is being sold in drinks and supplements. Romulo Torres worked hard to achieve sobriety from alcohol and bought “Feel Free” drink at 7-11. He had no idea the “Fell […]
Episode #154 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dave Evans and Cannabis Litigation

People working in cannabis industry have suffered work related injury from second hand smoke effects. Patients suffered malpractice injury when doctors recommend cannabis that exacerbated or created mental illness. Dave Evans discusses the growing cases of cannabis litigation. David G. Evans, Attorney at Law has decades of experience consulting with treatment programs on regulatory, policy […]
Episode #155 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with John Redman and United Nations Policy on Cannabis

Did the United Nations reschedule cannabis? Yes, but it may not be what you think. In 2021 cannabis and cannabis resin was taken off Schedule IV and kept on Schedule I. The United Nations used a difference scheduling system that the United States DEA Schedule. For the United Nations, Schedule IV is even higher and […]
Episode #157 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Season 3 Finale

This is a recorded podcast from a live Season 3 High Truths Finale featuring Dr. Bertha Madras, Dr. Kenneth Finn, and Arianna Campbell. These national experts reflected on 2023, gave hopes for 2024, and answered audience questions. Bertha K. Madras, PhD (the honorable) Bertha Madras is a Professor of Psychobiology, Harvard Medical School (36 years), […]
Episode #158 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Season 4 Introduction with Dr. Roneet Lev

Happy Near Year to 2024. In this Season 4 Introduction Dr. Lev outlines her solution for the overdose crisis. Why are we spending a record billions of dollars on solution and no seeing decrease better results and decreased deaths? Dr. Lev states we are not spending money in the correct proportions to prevent addiction. Dr. […]
Episode #159 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow

Dr. Nora Volkow joins High Truths for the 4th time and 4th Season of High Truths to start the year with analysis of 2023 and hopes for 2024. Listen to see if she agree or not with Dr. Lev’s assessments. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., is Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at […]
Episode #160 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Derek Maltz and Law Enforcement Perspectives

What can we learn from law enforcement and our current drug crisis? Derek Maltz has become a leading spokesperson on behalf of parents whose children died of fentanyl. Listen to what he has learned over a long career in law enforcement. What seems as compassion to people who use drugs can actually be cruelty to […]
Episode #161 High Truths with Steve Adami and Destiny Pletsch on solutions for Drugs and Homelessness

San Francisco’s drugs and homeless crisis continues to get worse and community members are sounding the alarm. As San Franciscans raise issues of safety, the city has lost 2,859 people to fatal overdose since 2019. Although San Francisco has poured millions of dollars into proposed solutions, our public systems continue to fail the community. Many […]
Episode #164 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Meg Haney and Cannabis Addiction Treatment

Is there treatment and hope for people with cannabis use disorder? There is always hope, and there are more treatment options on the horizon. Dr. Meg Haney shares information on AEF0117, an inhibitor of the CB1 receptor. We discuss a young man who struggles with cannabis use disorder and mental health that his parents attribute […]
Episode #165 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with District Attorney Summer Stephan

District Attorney Summer Stephan has devoted her life to protecting children and families, providing justice to the most vulnerable, and is a national leader in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Summer rose through the ranks fighting for justice in the trenches before San Diego County voters overwhelmingly elected Summer as District Attorney […]
Episode #166 High Truth on Drugs and Addiction with Chief Rodney Scott, Customs and Border Patrol

Rodney Scott served nearly three decades in the United States Border Patrol building vast experience and knowledge in federal law enforcement and border security. Chief Scott assumed command of the United States Border Patrol on February 2, 2020, becoming the 24th Chief. Scott served as Chief during the Trump, and Biden administrations and retired in […]
Episode #167 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Libby Jones and Drug Policy Advocacy

Libby Jones is the Program Director of Global Health Advocacy Incubator, GHAI’s Overdose Prevention Initiative. Libby leads the Initiative’s advocacy efforts, advancing federal policies to reduce the overdose death rate in the United States by expanding access to treatment and promoting harm reduction. Prior to joining GHAI, Libby served as government relations officer at the […]
Episode #169 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Peter Komendowski and Drug-Free Communities

Peter Komendowski is one of Iowa’s leading advocates for healthy, drug-free communities. In the face of the opioid epidemic, a resurgence of meth use, and a marijuana industry targeting Iowa youth he is a sought-after speaker as an expert in substance abuse prevention and high-risk behavior management. Peter serves as president of The Partnership for […]
Episode #170 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Aubree Adams and Every Brain Matters

Every Brain Matters – that is Aubree Adams mantra and purpose. Aubree Adams is a leading advocate who stands up against the predatory addiction-for-profit marijuana industry. She has a BS in Exercise Science and Health promotion but is most proud of her experience as a mom of two sons and two dogs and as a […]
Episode #171 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Kristen Gilliland and Neuroplasticity

The brain in neuroplastic – it can be directed towards great achievement as well as disorders. Marijuana can cause synaptic reprogramming of the brain. Learn more from Dr. Kristen Gilliland who is a scientist who watched her own son’s synaptic programming that resulted in cannabis use disorder, and tragic death. She is now dedicated to […]
Episode #174 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Roberto Olivardia on ADHD and SUD

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the most prevalent neurobehavioral disorder and affects 6-9% of children and adolescents. There is a link between SUD and ADHD in both directions. Going from SUD to ADHD the connection is made. In a large study of over 3500 patients seeking treating for SUD, 40% screened positive for ADHD. […]
Episode #175 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Rosalie Pacula and Drug Policy

Rosalie Liccardo Pacula PhD holds the Elizabeth Garrett Chair in Health Policy, Economics & Law at the Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California and is a Senior Fellow with the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, where she co-directs the RAND-USC Schaeffer Opioid Policy Tools & Information Center of […]
Episode #176 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Jason Graham NYC Medical Examiner

Jason Graham, MD was appointed Chief Medical Examiner of New York City by Mayor Eric Adams in April 2022. In this role, he oversees investigations into deaths in New York City, and the operation of the largest public DNA laboratory in the nation. He previously served as Acting Chief Medical Examiner since December 2021 and […]
Episode #178 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Inga Dora Sigfusdottir and Iceland’s Prevention Model

The headlines in 2017 was “Iceland knows how to stop teen substance use – but the rest of the world is not listening.” In 1997 – 40% of Iceland’s adolescents got drunk in the past 30 days, one of the highest teen alcohol problem in the world. After a national prevention program consistent over 20 […]
Episode #179 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Donna Nelson and Chemistry of Drugs

Donna J. Nelson is an American chemist and professor of chemistry at the University of Oklahoma. Nelson specializes in organic chemistry, which she both researches and teaches. Nelson served as a science advisor to the AMC television show Breaking Bad.[1] She was the 2016 President of the American Chemical Society (ACS) with her presidential activities focusing on and guided by communities in chemistry. Nelson’s […]
Episode #180 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Gerald Carrol on EMS role in addiction

Gerard Carroll, MD, is the Program Director for the EMS Fellowship at Cooper University Hospital. He is passionate about utilizing physician field response to translate the bedside, apprenticeship model of medical education into the field. His interests include addiction medicine and the role of urban EMS caring for underserved populations. As an undergraduate at […]
Episode #184 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Melissa Baldwin and Human Trafficking

What can we learn from human trafficking prevention to promote drug prevention? Melissa Baldwin is a storyteller at heart. She received her degree in theatre and spent over 20 years performing and teaching. In addition, she immersed herself in various training opportunities around the topic of trauma informed care. Melissa currently oversees kNOw MORE!©, […]
Episode #185 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Thomas Freese and Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Methamphetamine alone and in combination with fentanyl is associated with high mortality. Is there hope for people with methamphetamine use disorder? Currently there is no FDA approved medication, but there is contingency management and treatment options. Thomas E. Freese, Ph.D., received his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology […]