Episode #6 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Why do people develop addiction? Robert’s journey.

Why do people use drugs? Robert shares his journey from using deadly heroin and being homeless to being an honor student in computer science.
Episode #111 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sid Puri and Preventing Youth from Substance Use Disorder

What is the best approach for preventing youth with substance use disorder? Learn from Dr. Sid Puri who reaches kids with SUD in LA County. “Prevention begins at birth or before.” “It’s the end of casual drug use” – because of fentanyl Dr. Siddarth Puri Dr. Puri is the Associate Medical Director of Prevention at […]
Episode #112 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction on White House and Beyond – Dr. John Bibb interviewing Dr. Lev

This is a reverse podcast. Typically I am interviewing my guests. In this special episode, I am interviewed by Dr John Bibb on my path to the White House and addiction medicine. I talked about my young years as an emergency physician, having a family, along with failed and successful projects from opioid prescription epidemic […]