Episode #132 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Senator Thomas Umberg and Deterrence to Fentanyl Drug Dealing

Should there be consequences for dealing fentanyl? Should that consequence include secondary murder charges when known counterfeit pills kill people ? State Senator Thomas J. Umberg is the Chair of the Senate’s Judicary Committee. He is a retired U.S. Army Colonel, former federal criminal prosecutor, four-term state legislator, small business owner, and was the Deputy […]
Episode #192 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Darren White on Compassion and Deterrence

What is compassion in drugs and addiction? Compassion that avoids consequences for committing a crime is not compassion, it is cruel. Very Cruel – to the victim and the perpetrator. The Homeless, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act, YES on Prop 36, will bring more compassion to Californians through deterrence and bringing back drug courts. […]
201. Drug Policy | Paul Larkin

Drug and Alcohol Policy dates to Talmudic times. Ancient Rabbis established rules, or policy for their village. They told their people to avoid crossing to the neighboring village on the Sabbath because those neighbors had a reputation for excessing drinking. Today drug policy can be extremely liberal – allowing free drug trade with no consequences, […]