Episode #1 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Introduction with Dr. Lev.

For more information visit: HighTruths.Com Welcome to High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. In this introductory episode Dr. Lev gives an overview of High Truths, a new – fact filled – informative – podcast. I am your host, Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency and addiction doctor who has served at the White House and still practices […]
Episode #5 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Joe Eberstein gives advice on how to talk to kids about drugs.

Should you tell your children that you use to use drugs? What is the best prevention method is talking to youth about drugs. Learn on High Truths
Episode #6 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Why do people develop addiction? Robert’s journey.

Why do people use drugs? Robert shares his journey from using deadly heroin and being homeless to being an honor student in computer science.
Episode #7 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Dr. Lev visits a marijuana shop. Part 1 – In the shop.

March and Ash is a legal recreational marijuana dispensary in San Diego. Dr. Lev takes a field trip with eye opening conversations. Is this the apple store or a pot shop? The difference is the heavy security, two ATM machines and shoppers leave with little bags instead of big boxes. Is the store manager practicing […]
Episode #10 – High Truths on Drugs and Addiction. Edward Wood, Founder and President of DUID Victim Voices. Marijuana drugged driving.

A Kaiser doctor gives a marijuana “medical prescription” to a young man with history of depression and PTSD. As a drugged driver he kills 1 person and injures 5 others. Is the doctor liable? The courts dismissed the case and the poor young man ended his life in suicide. Edward Wood Ed Wood founded DUID […]
Episode #55 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow

Listen to Dr. Nora Volkow’s discussion with Dr. Roneet Lev on the gold standard for addiction, substance use disorder treatment, innovations in drug treatment, naloxone, emergency treatment, stigma, decriminalization, marijuana, and more. This podcast includes Dr. Nora Volkow keynote presentation at the Western Regional Opioid & Stimulant Summit of November 2021. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., […]
Episode #59 High Truth in Drugs and Addiction with Jennifer Cifaldi and Drugged Driving

Take off the “Beer Goggles” when thinking about Drugged Driving. Driving while impaired is illegal whether it is from alcohol or any other drugs. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration drug use among fatally injured drivers who were tested fro drugs rose fro 25% in 2007 to 42% in 2016, and marijuana presence […]