Episode #126 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction on Xing the X Waiver

The National Overdose Prevention Network, NOPN, held a Webinar titled “End of the X Waiver: A New Frontier in Addiction Treatment.” Mary Maddux-Gonzalez interviewed Dr. Roneet Lev on the subject. This podcast is a recording of that Webinar with permission by NOPN. Dr. Lev presents the history behind the X-Waiver, the ripple effects predicted from […]
Episode #133 High Truth on Drugs and Addiction with Arianna Campbell on California Bridge MAT program

MAT Medication Assisted Treatment is key for treating opioid addiction. No one should suffer from opioid withdrawal and everyone with an opioid use disorder should receive treatment with compassion and hope. California Bridge assists in providing MAT 24/7 through the emergency departments. Arianna Campbell is an Emergency Department PA with more than 20 years of […]
Episode #145 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr Gene Hern on Prehospital Medicine

What role does Prehospital Medicine or First Responders have in treating addiction? Is it just naloxone, or is there more? Dr. Gene Hern received his MS in Medical Ethics from UC Berkeley in 1994 and his MD from UCSF in 1996. He did his residency in Emergency Medicine at Highland Hospital in Oakland in 1996 […]
Episode #151 High Truths with Dr. David Deyhimy and MAT

MAT is Medication Assisted Treatment. Dr David Deyhimy talk about the FDA approved medications to treat opioid use disorder. David I. Deyhimy, MD, FASAM, is an addiction medicine specialist and anesthesiologist dedicated to helping those suffering from substance use disorder and preventing overdose deaths from opioids. He is the founder and medical director of MYMATCLINIC, […]
Episode #157 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Season 3 Finale

This is a recorded podcast from a live Season 3 High Truths Finale featuring Dr. Bertha Madras, Dr. Kenneth Finn, and Arianna Campbell. These national experts reflected on 2023, gave hopes for 2024, and answered audience questions. Bertha K. Madras, PhD (the honorable) Bertha Madras is a Professor of Psychobiology, Harvard Medical School (36 years), […]
Episode #180 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Gerald Carrol on EMS role in addiction

Gerard Carroll, MD, is the Program Director for the EMS Fellowship at Cooper University Hospital. He is passionate about utilizing physician field response to translate the bedside, apprenticeship model of medical education into the field. His interests include addiction medicine and the role of urban EMS caring for underserved populations. As an undergraduate at […]