Episode #55 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow

Listen to Dr. Nora Volkow’s discussion with Dr. Roneet Lev on the gold standard for addiction, substance use disorder treatment, innovations in drug treatment, naloxone, emergency treatment, stigma, decriminalization, marijuana, and more. This podcast includes Dr. Nora Volkow keynote presentation at the Western Regional Opioid & Stimulant Summit of November 2021. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., […]
Episode #91 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Clear Scientific on Methamphetamine Drug Solution

Rarely is there a new medication that is really new and innovative. Imagine a drug that deactivate methamphetamine within 2 minutes and excretes it from the body within 2 hours. CS1103 is that drug. Listen to this episode from the drug developers at Clear Scientific and learn about this magically innovation. Clear Scientific Clear Scientific […]
Episode #105 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Season 2 Finale

High Truths on Drugs and Addiction presents SEASON FINALE Live Stream of December 9, 2022. Featured experts reflex on 2022 and share High Truths hopes for 2023. Dr. Roneet Lev, podcast host, Emergency and Addiction Physician Dr. Bertha Madras, Drug Policy Expert, Harvard Medical School Dr. Libby Stuyt, Psychiatrist Colorado Dr. Jessica Ristau, Internal Medicine […]
Episode #111 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sid Puri and Preventing Youth from Substance Use Disorder

What is the best approach for preventing youth with substance use disorder? Learn from Dr. Sid Puri who reaches kids with SUD in LA County. “Prevention begins at birth or before.” “It’s the end of casual drug use” – because of fentanyl Dr. Siddarth Puri Dr. Puri is the Associate Medical Director of Prevention at […]
Episode #128 High Truth on Drugs on Addiction with Frank Saragosa and his Voice of Hope on Methamphtamine Addiction

Is there hope for severe addiction or substance use disorder? Absolutely, listen to Frank’s inspiring story. Frank was a college professor in American Literature when he hit rock Botton due to addiction. He lives through skid row, homelessness, and convicted felon sitting in prison. While incarcerated he won a first place writing competition against 800 […]
Episode #179 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Donna Nelson and Chemistry of Drugs

Donna J. Nelson is an American chemist and professor of chemistry at the University of Oklahoma. Nelson specializes in organic chemistry, which she both researches and teaches. Nelson served as a science advisor to the AMC television show Breaking Bad.[1] She was the 2016 President of the American Chemical Society (ACS) with her presidential activities focusing on and guided by communities in chemistry. Nelson’s […]
Episode #188 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Matthew Maceria from Dope Dealer to Hope Dealer

Matthew Maceira is the Executive Director of Be Bold Street Ministries. He uses his experience as a Dope Dealer to being a Hope Dealer. Matthew survived many acts of brutality as a child and spent 27 years with active addiction, criminality, violence, and other drug world activities. He was wounded 14 times by knives and […]
Episode #189 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Ronald Flegel and SAMHSA Division of Workplace Program

The gold standard for workplace drug testing is established by SAMHSA’s Division for Workplace Programs, DWP. This affects 14 million employees. In addition, DWP manages the National Laboratory Certification Program and oversees the Drug Testing Advisory Board. Learn all about the DWP and the latest in drug testing from Ron Flegel, the Director of DWP. […]