Episode #55 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Nora Volkow

Listen to Dr. Nora Volkow’s discussion with Dr. Roneet Lev on the gold standard for addiction, substance use disorder treatment, innovations in drug treatment, naloxone, emergency treatment, stigma, decriminalization, marijuana, and more. This podcast includes Dr. Nora Volkow keynote presentation at the Western Regional Opioid & Stimulant Summit of November 2021. Nora D. Volkow, M.D., […]
Episode #59 High Truth in Drugs and Addiction with Jennifer Cifaldi and Drugged Driving

Take off the “Beer Goggles” when thinking about Drugged Driving. Driving while impaired is illegal whether it is from alcohol or any other drugs. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration drug use among fatally injured drivers who were tested fro drugs rose fro 25% in 2007 to 42% in 2016, and marijuana presence […]
Episode #60 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Heidi Swan and A Night In Jail, Homeless-Psychosis-and Schizophrenia

Psychosis. A Night In Jail is inspired by Heidi’s brother’s true life story of homelessness, drug addiction, and schizophrenia. He went to jail 18 times. Heidi talks with Dr. Lev about psychosis. Heidi Anderson-Swan is the co-author of A Night In Jail. Adapted as a novella, film and play, this gritty Young Adult fictional story […]
Episode #84 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Scott Becker and Hospital Reviews

What are the leading issues for Hospitals and Heathcare? Is it COVID, medial education, universal healthcare? And what about the over 100,000 people a year who die from drugs? Scott Becker shares his perspective as a national expert in hospital and healthcare affairs. Scott Becker is a partner in the healthcare department at McGuireWoods. He […]
Episode # 90 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Shannon Murphy on Talking to Kids on Marijuana

How do you talk to your children about drugs? There is increase normalization and commercialization of drugs, especially marijuana, preying on kids. If parents don’t talk to kids about drugs, they will learn about it from Snap Chat or Drug Dealers. Addiction is a disease on the young brain with serious health harms. Dr. Shannon […]
Episode #97 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. William Lynch on Vaping

Is vaping helping people quit smoking or creating new smokers? In a simulation model, scientists calculated 3000 years of life gained in smokers who quit through vaping. They also calculated 1,500,000 years of life lost in teens and young adults who started vaping who otherwise would have never smoked. 3000 years gained verses 1.5 million […]
Episode #106 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Roneet Lev 2023 Monologue

This High Truths podcast is a 2023 monologue as I review accomplishments of 2022 and present hopes for 2023. I welcome in the New Year with blessing of health, happiness and meaning to all. After two full seasons with over 100 guests there is still so much to discuss about drugs and addiction. We have […]
Episode #148 High Truth on Drugs and Addiction with Dale Quigley and Ed Shemelya on the National Marijuana Initiative

The National Marijuana Initiative strives to dispel misconceptions about marijuana and raise awareness of issues surrounding the drug; so that citizens and policymakers can make well-informed choices regarding marijuana use and regulations. Some of the services offered include: Educational presentations on marijuana and the effects of its legalization for law enforcement groups, public forums, community coalitions, and legislators […]
Episode #155 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with John Redman and United Nations Policy on Cannabis

Did the United Nations reschedule cannabis? Yes, but it may not be what you think. In 2021 cannabis and cannabis resin was taken off Schedule IV and kept on Schedule I. The United Nations used a difference scheduling system that the United States DEA Schedule. For the United Nations, Schedule IV is even higher and […]
Episode #156 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Joe Dokes and Harms of Pot

The harms of Pot. Jeff was Army veteran, paratrooper, law enforcement profressonal and avid surfer. He developed chronic pain after injured from a collision in pursuit of a drunk driver. He was convinced to try “natural alternatives” to opioids and used weed. He did not expect the hallucinations and psychosis that is associated with high […]
Episode #157 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction Season 3 Finale

This is a recorded podcast from a live Season 3 High Truths Finale featuring Dr. Bertha Madras, Dr. Kenneth Finn, and Arianna Campbell. These national experts reflected on 2023, gave hopes for 2024, and answered audience questions. Bertha K. Madras, PhD (the honorable) Bertha Madras is a Professor of Psychobiology, Harvard Medical School (36 years), […]
Episode #170 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Aubree Adams and Every Brain Matters

Every Brain Matters – that is Aubree Adams mantra and purpose. Aubree Adams is a leading advocate who stands up against the predatory addiction-for-profit marijuana industry. She has a BS in Exercise Science and Health promotion but is most proud of her experience as a mom of two sons and two dogs and as a […]
Episode #185 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Thomas Freese and Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Methamphetamine alone and in combination with fentanyl is associated with high mortality. Is there hope for people with methamphetamine use disorder? Currently there is no FDA approved medication, but there is contingency management and treatment options. Thomas E. Freese, Ph.D., received his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology […]
Weird Sauce – Addiction as an Epidemic: Don’t Look Away

Dr. Lev is interviewed in Singapore podcast.