Episode #43 High Truths with Patrick Foley Addiction Counselor

Patrick Foley Patrick Foley has over 20 years of experience in the addiction treatment field. Patrick currently works for McAllister Institute, serving people with various dependency issues. Mr. Foley is a coaching consultant and a frequent speaker and subject matter expert regarding adolescent dependence promoting solution-based goals that navigate clients through the recovery process. Patrick […]
Episode # 74 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sharon Levy on Cannabis and Youth

Cannabis use is associated with alarming increase in mental health crisis, especially in youth. High potency THC products are the driving this problem. Dr. Levy sees this in her clinic treating kids with cannabis use disorder. Sharon Levy, MD, MPH Sharon Levy, MD, MPH is a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician, Addiction Medicine specialist, Director of the Adolescent […]
Episode #111 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Sid Puri and Preventing Youth from Substance Use Disorder

What is the best approach for preventing youth with substance use disorder? Learn from Dr. Sid Puri who reaches kids with SUD in LA County. “Prevention begins at birth or before.” “It’s the end of casual drug use” – because of fentanyl Dr. Siddarth Puri Dr. Puri is the Associate Medical Director of Prevention at […]
Episode #146 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr Laura Petracek and DBT therapy

What is DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? Dialectical, sounds like diabolical – but it is not. Dialectical means opposite. It is a type of behavioral therapy that aims at changing negative thinking and destructive behaviors into positive outcomes. DBT works for substance use disorder and is a great tool to learn at an early age for […]
Episode #176 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Jason Graham NYC Medical Examiner

Jason Graham, MD was appointed Chief Medical Examiner of New York City by Mayor Eric Adams in April 2022. In this role, he oversees investigations into deaths in New York City, and the operation of the largest public DNA laboratory in the nation. He previously served as Acting Chief Medical Examiner since December 2021 and […]
Episode #185 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Thomas Freese and Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Methamphetamine alone and in combination with fentanyl is associated with high mortality. Is there hope for people with methamphetamine use disorder? Currently there is no FDA approved medication, but there is contingency management and treatment options. Thomas E. Freese, Ph.D., received his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology […]
Episode #190 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Gary Tsai on Addiction in LA

LA County California is home to 10 million residents and a public health trifecta problem of addiction, homeless and mental health issues. Dr. Gary Tsai is dedicated to creating solutions. Gary Tsai, M.D. is a physician executive who is the Director of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Control, a division of the Los Angeles County […]